Monday, 30 January 2012

The Castle Gym is a god send!!!! Twice!!!


Had a run this morning. Did 10k, and at about 2k in I was really not enjoying it and thought about turning around. But got through that little blip. It was the old, tired eyes, legs heavy, been going slighty up hill for 2k and another 2.5k up hill to go. I looked around and realised it was good to be out and the downhill was to come :).
Tried to get Tia out for a little 5k after (thats why I did the 10 instead of a 14). She has a really bad back sprain, but was up for a run, though it lasted about 200m before her back started to complain and it was aborted.
So I decided to take her to the new gym at the Castle Climbing Wall and get her on some weights. It was just a light set of high reps and most was sitting or lying down on the bench. We also found that she could row, without pain, so there was 10 mins on that too.
After, I got her doing encore deadhangs on the Beastmaker 1000 and metolius fingerboards. So 5secs on, 5 secs off x6, 2mins rest and then on for another set. She managed 6 sets. The most climbing(!!??!) she has done for a while, really.
After it was home to sort out the central heating, a valve needing replacement, and shopping for food ... mostly chicken.
I went back to the Castle to boulder for a while. Flashing V3s and V4s, getting rubbish beta on a V5 and failing 1st attempt, but doing it second. (cheers, Mr Hatch!!! Grrrrr). And then falling off a V3 4 times before doing it, lol :). 
Tia appeared again and I gave her a belay on some top ropes, just to get her moving again... I was to get on the Wave (training board) when she went. I did a few problems but couldn't find the motivation, so hit the 'Hurt Locker' for the second time, though 1st time I didn't do anything.
The 'Hurt Locker' gave me the psyche I needed. A warm-up of clean and heaves, just with the bar - 20kg 4 reps, and then: -
30kg - 4 reps
40kg - 4 reps
50kg - 4 reps
52.5kg - 4 reps
55kg - 3 reps
52.5kg - 2 reps
60kg - 1 rep
After, I just heaped on the weight for deadlifts.
4 reps - 70kg, 80kg, 90kg
2 reps - 100kg
1 rep - 110kg, 115kg
Felt good after that!!!!!
And again, thank God for the Castle Gym, twice!!!!!!


  1. Which V3 was dropping you off four times in row then? Blue V3 on left side in Pen :)

    This is interesting what you say about "enjoying it". Since I've started regular 8km runs, I noticed a kind of take-off crisis. Shortly after warm-up it takes me nearly 3km before my wheels start spinning in a proper rhythm and I can enjoy it. It is I feel close to "comfortably hard" pace :)

    BTW, is Castle gym opening earlier than 10am now?

  2. Yes, Mat ... the blue. It's a good problem and made me think. Certainly made me think about my body position. I need to do the moves again in a better style as I campussed through a move (couldn't be bothered to put my feet on).
    On the runs, I used to be able to just take off and go. Recently, and I think it is due to getting older, I have found it harder to warm into it. Though it does come eventually.
    I just knew that people would be in the castle before 10am and know the door code :)

  3. It took me a while to solve it well too. First, I tried to campus campused it too, but didn't like it that way. Eventually I went for the Brute-force Attack and I walked through all my limbs one by one in my mind matching them to holds and finding the key foothold :D

    At 10am I have to sign in at work, so Castle would have to open at 7am for me to allow 2hrs session :-(

    The warm-up thing is interesting issue. I'm still learning what my body prefers - it works like a massive locomotive.
